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Vision for .NET 9

Vision for .NET 9: Initial vision for .NET 9. To be released at .NET Conf 2024 at the end of the year. Most important focus areas are cloud-native and intelligent...

Build your APIs with DAB using Containers

Build your APIs with DAB using Containers – Part 1: With Data API Builder (DAB), you can create your API in just minutes. All you need to do is create...

Understanding the essentials of Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Understanding the essentials of Identity and Access Management (IAM): In the digital age, identity and access management (IAM) is crucial for protecting data and ensuring that only authorized users, machines,...

.NET Async Await Best Practices

.NET Async Await Best Practices: Subtle problems can easily creep into code when using async/await. This library solves these problems. Good explanation of async behavior (with link to video) in...

Getting to Know Dapr (InfoQ)

Getting to Know Dapr with Mark Fussell and Yaron Schneider: In this podcast Mark Fussell and Yaron Schneider talk about the Distributed Applications Runtime, Dapr. Dapr provides APIs that abstract...

Cloud-Computing in the Post-Serverless Era (InfoQ)

Current trends and beyond in the cloud-computing post-serverless era: From primitives to constructs as a service. From hyperscale to hyperspecialization. From Infrastructure to Composition as Code (CaC). See also, The...